Golf Day 6 - TopGolf

 At the beginning of the day, we started by having a small class conversation about our upcoming day, with a quick walk-through of everything that would be happening at TopGolf. We then hopped on the bus and began our trip to TopGolf. When we arrived, we immediately got to playing some golf, the games were off! Then at eleven, we all took a break to eat and chat with the groups that we had previously been playing with. We had lunch, then got right back to playing, and had about an hour left, which everyone used to the fullest. When it was time to go, everyone made their way back to the bus.

A little while later we made our journey back to school, and when we all finally arrived around 1 pm, we took a breather inside from the game in the class, and then got to work! Golf 1 began working on an assignment about racism and sexism in golf’s history, while Golf 2 had some time to read and seminar on Golf in the Kingdom. After our reading for Golf 1, we decided to take a break outside and finish the seminar on the quad in the sun. This Monday was absolutely overall super productive and really fun. Definitely a highlight on the Golf A-Term.


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